Person examining a pink milkweed flower in a garden.


Lovely things that people have said

Kat was one of the best teachers I ever had. She has an incredible knowledge but most importantly she makes everything so much fun. You can feel her love for the plants AND science.

— Manjari Henderson

“Learning about botanical medicine from Kat was a inspiration. She provides a well-rounded perspective that allows her students to learn about plants in a cohesive manner - from the technical botany to the folk lore of plants. Through her teachings, Kat arouses a desire to be delve deep into the plant world.”

— Coleen Keane

“I so enjoyed Kat MacKinnon’s teaching style, and depth of knowledge of medicinal plants. Kat’s preparedness, vast knowledge, and sense of humor so helped me understand the value of medicinal herbal plants which I currently use and will continue to use for the rest of my life. She always answered my many questions as well as other students’ questions with clarity and ease.”

I urge anyone who is thinking of taking her program to jump in with both feet and be a part of this life changing experience.”

— Ann Lumia

“Kat Mackinnon is one of the most enthusiastic, energetic, skillful, and dedicated herbalists I know and is a rising star of her generation. I’ve always been impressed with her versatility - at one moment, merrily coaching a new student through the often-confusing thicket of botanical keying; at another, competently handling a first-aid crisis; in the classroom, fascinating us with the origin and implications of botanical terminology; and in camp, sparking a fire to life in moments with little more than a bow drill and a handful of fluff. Do try her classes: you’ll be surprised, challenged, inspired, never bored - and you’ll come away with gems of knowledge and a sense of wonder at all there is yet to learn!”

— Lisa Ganora, Director, Colorado School Of Clinical

“Kat Mackinnon has a teaching style that is unassuming and relaxed that puts the student at ease in the center of a space for experiential learning. Her depth of practical experience in outdoor skills is amazing, and she invites the student gently and patiently to enter this world. ”

— Paul Bergner, Director North American Institute Of Medical Herbalism.

“Kat MacKinnon is the most effervescent plant lady, full of enthusiasm to share her wisdom. Lucky you to have stumbled upon her! She is a font of accurate and up-to-date medical and botanical knowledge, all with a thoughtful, intentional awareness of how she impacts what’s around her. She is a great teacher, forager, healer, scientist, naturalist, and in general a very lovely person to be around (especially in the woods!) You are sure to learn a lot with her!”

— Adele P.

“It truly was transformational and reflective. ”

— Adrianna

“Kat is a skilled teacher with a combination of sparkling enthusiasm, breadth of knowledge, intelligence, playfulness and humbleness that I find very appealing in a teacher. She is adept at working with groups of people to learn complex new skills in a way that makes them seem easy and inviting.

— Tania Neubauer, ND, LMT, Clinical Herbalis

“Studying with Kat Mackinnon at the Colorado Schoool of Clinical Herbalism was one of the most significant learning experiences I’ve had as a student of herbalism. The enthusiasm, knowledge and dedication Kat puts forth as an herbal teacher can only be motivated by the spirit and vital energy she has received directly from the plants themselves. As a steward of the environments she walks through, whether the classroom or a riparian ecosystem at 9,000 feet in the Rockies, Kat opens the eyes of students to their potential for reawakening the ancient human plant relationship which is so often neglected today. ”

— John Janeski, MPH, DRPH, Herbalist

“Learning from Kat is an experience not to be missed. Her expertise shines in both the classroom and field. She makes learning about plants not only fun, but applicable too. If I could have followed her around on hikes for years, I would and I’d still be learning! Her spirit, kindness and unshakeable courage are unlike any other. She is an encyclopedia of herbal knowledge who I am grateful I have been able to learn from and I hope I get the opportunity to do so again.”

— Christa

“Her presentations were wonderfully thorough, informative, educational and powerful, sweet but energizing, she transferred her love and passion for nature to us her students. ”

— Adrianna

“Kat is one of those people who was born to teach. She is able to draw from a deep well of knowledge from books, mentors, intuition, and experience. Not only does Kat engage students, but she entertains them with interesting, esoteric tidbits as well as a great sense of humor. I’ve watched Kat teach and I learned from her, and her curiosity and fascination for the subjects she teaches is infectious. ”

— Sheila L.

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