Meet the Green is a nexus for those wishing to connect more deeply with the natural world, and the world of plants and herbalism in particular.
Welcome friends!
the Vision
Herbal medicine, ancestral survival skills, and botany are the ways I come back to in order to reconnect with an ancient knowing of myself and the world.
The distance we have put between ourselves and the world is present even in our language.
In speaking of plants, we say we “learn them”. When we get to know a person, we say we meet them. To Meet the Green, you need to choose to give person-hood to the plant people, to choose to engage with your surroundings as kin.
To know your surroundings with an intimacy that cracks you open. It’s my passion to give people the tools they need to access this knowledge, to get their hands in the dirt and hearts with the land.
Meet The Founder
Most of my work is as a teacher and a clinician, and I approach both of those things from a Vitalist perspective
This means I believe that we all have a fundamentally intelligent life force that drives us, and that this is what I’m constantly in communication with and in service of.
I created Meet the Green because I wanted to create rich, meaningful, reciprocal relationships - between people, the earth, and their community.
Most of my work is as a teacher and a clinician, and I approach both of those things from a Vitalist perspective. I believe that we all have a fundamentally intelligent life force that drives us and that this is what I’m constantly in communication with and in service of.
I am a Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalists Guild. I’m also a certified clinical herbalist and nutritionist through the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism, where I studied with Paul Bergner in the Vitalist tradition.
For 12 years, I worked at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism in Boulder and Lafayette, CO. I served as primary faculty for the Fundamentals, Advanced, and Botany programs, and was the Clinical Program Director for the last 4 years of my time there. Along with Briana Wiles, I’m one of the cofounders of Forest to Field Festival, a gathering focused on the sharing of land based skills and ancestral knowledge. I’m also the cofounder of Apothecary Academy the online herbalism program.
Originally from the East Coast, I have a passion for bioregional herbalism. Over the past 14 years, I’ve developed a particular love for working with herbs of the Colorado Plateau.
I began my formal career with plants by studying forestry at Northern Arizona University, in Flagstaff, AZ, and the plants, animals, and incredible harsh beauty of the Southwest have been one of the great loves of my life ever since.