Meet the Green
Fuzzy Drupes and Dr. Seuss: Staghorn Sumac
Doctor Seuss was definitely consulted when this plant was created.
From the fluffy, alien looking fruits, to the scraggly antler-like fuzzy branches, this plant is straight out of the Lorax.
Its also one of our more charismatic New England plants, and makes one of my favorite teas for hot weather.
Insightful, Inciting, Invasives
Invasive. Exotic. Introduced.
These are dirty words in the lingo of many botanists and naturalists. The division that this creates in the botanical/herbal world is astonishing.
Ridicularis Pedicularis
Parrots beak. Lousewort. Elephantella.
With common names like these, it’s hard not to be interested in this plant.